Editing week 2


I decided to put the title of the video at the end because it was only the opening and I used the font Ravie which is fancy, bold, and it looks really pleasant. I also use the font Poor Richard for context clues during the video; it looks good and it is legible. 

I slowed down certain shots that were a little shorts, especially I where I had writing over it in order to give the viewers time to read it, and I sped up other shots that I filmed in slow motion but ended up being too long. Towards the end, I use the wipe transitions in between the shots to give it a little sequence and a cool effect. I kept the beginning, where the credits are displayed with the original audio. I decided to put the music "Truth Untold" and let it play throughout the video because it starts out calm then get more drastic as the music progress, which I think fits the video really well. I also like the song because it is a powerful, dramatic, and upbeat classical music.

During editing I found that I had to trim certain videos to get rid of any unnecessary parts and I use to trimming feature on adobe premier pro to do so. I also could not figure out how to split a video, so I place another shot on top of it in the middle, and it worked out fine. This week I spent about two hours and a half because adobe was running a little slow and I had to finalize the video. I worked independently and I did not do any additional filming.


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