Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"
The movie "Agent Carter" incorporated many different film elements that made it interesting and pleasing to the viewers. The movie begins with a flashback scene of Captain America and Peggy. They used simultaneity when cutting back and forth between Captain America on the ship and Peggy. Close up shots where used to showcase the emotions of the two characters based on the actions going. Those shots create sadness, suspense, and fear for the viewers because the characters were crying, and it looks as if Captain America didn't succeed his landing. After the flashback scene, an establishing shot of a city came into view. This shot tells the audience where the movie is taking place, also set the mood for the movie. To me, it gives me a gloomy and busy, but also exciting mood. The next couple of scenes takes place in an office. The office has a three-point lighting which illuminates the characters well while also having some faint shadows. A quick dolly ...